Nowt much happened. It was cloudy and it rained some. Gaz went riding.
Subplot – Episode 4 – Snakey “Flames” Blakey
Gaz decided to dry his admittedly wet elbow guards on one of the heaters. You k now the sort that says “don’t dry stuff on here”
He melted a hole in them.
Got a pizza from Le Take Away (yes that’s its real name) – was OK! This isn’t the most exciting blog is it? Also got some 9% Leffe. Was also OK.
Day 4…(Wednesday 18/6/2008) or Summer comes to 2Alpes
Now this is more like it. Dawned bright and clear. Much warmer too – forecast is for dry and bright and increasing temperatures. Which is good, might melt some of the snow that is currently down to 2600m or so. This is the view from the balcony of our apartment (cheers to my brother Marcus and Caroline for letting us use it!)
The trucks have started to arrive for the Mondial du VTT. Top marks to SRAM for being the first with their tent set up – closely followed by Commencal.
Trek are coming too, hoping to get a viewing of the Session 88, hey might even get to sit on it. The stuff of dreams! Come on Trek, get your tent set up. I shall be lurking around the stalls with my camera ready to bring you any kit exclusives that may happen. Or any top pom-pom girls draped all over the shiny mountain bike apparatus. I am your man at Mondial.
Went for my lift pass today – the full season job – valid til 30th August. It cost 265Euro, or about £205. Which considering day tickets are 19Euro (£15) isn’t bad. It also gives full access to Alpe d’Huez, as well as the swimming pool and ice rink at 2Alpes. On that note, watch this space for a Gaz “Dancing on Ice” Blake exclusive.
Armed with lift pass and it being a great day, I thought I should really throw a leg over the bike. So went to do the Vallee Blanche Green (hardcore! I hear you say) – on arrival a the lift, who do I spy but Gaz, his 2 French friends and Steveo and Elsa. Apparently it was the French guys who recognised me (even though they have never seen me before) because of the Nomad – Gaz didn’t notice me! I shall get their names, but something like Nicola and Leanne or something. One of them had a white Nomad with the same bling-o-tronic wheels as me, cue lots of “you have nice bike meester” comments, followed by a conversation where neither party understood anything the other said. For a moment I thought I was back at work….
Heres Gaz on the lift….
And an obligatory shot of Pic Blanc (Megavalanche starts from the top of here at 3300m, if you look closely you will see the lift perched at a crazy angle on the middle peak – also note, lots of lovely snow)
Anyhow, the ‘ol shoulder held up, still no strength to pick the bike up, but manoeuvring it around seems ok. Might even have a go at the blue (woah there) in the next day or 2.
Went back to the apartment and did 40mins on the turbo (watched Plush 2 – great to see Peaty on the old Orange, and Rennie was on an Iron Horse I think riding for Mad Catz at the time?), and the relevant physio exercises. Hoping to keep that up, ideally could do with lugging the trainer up to 3200m for some proper altitude training! Now theres an idea….
Oh nearly forgot Gaz “Sassoon” Blake did me a lovely Mohican the other day… tis….looks good from the back, not so good from the front because I massacred it before Vidal got his hands on it….8)

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