Bonjour de France !
Subplot – Episode 1 - Gaz and his Wheel
Gaz had a set of Mavic Crossrides
Gaz noticed the rear wheel was loose (caused by the axle coming unbolted)
Gaz had a bent skewer in his rear wheel
When the skewer and axle where not on the wheel, the freewheel body came off with the cassette, and 2 ratchet mechanisms went missing.
2 ratchet plates and 1 spring where found, leaving a spring missing.
Mavic spares are hard to get hold of in the UK.
Gaz left the parts in the UK and brought the wheel to France
Das remembered that the mavic service tent comes to Megavalanche
Gaz asked Craig to bring the parts to France when he comes in ~ 2 weeks.
Gaz asked Craig to order a bling wheel from Roger Musson (king of wheels?)
Gaz planned to use the other rear wheel he brought, but had to change the tyre over to a High Roller. The wheel has a tubeless conversion kit on it. Gaz failed……..
Gaz and I arrived in 2Alpes at around 11pm on Saturday night, we set off at 4:45am from Gazs’ (that makes a 17hr journey….). It was a fairly uneventful trip down, just long long LONG. We unpacked a little, then headed to the Boardroom for BEER. The owner was completely sozzled, we had 4 and called it a night around 1am.
Day 1…..(Sunday 15/6/2008)
Slept in due to hangover, then wandered around 2 Alpes. Quite a few riders around, making me jealous as I am still off the bike. We scoped out the bike park, complete with locals doing 360s all over the place. Tried to get some supplies, but all the supermarkets were closed for lunch. They reopened at 3:30pm, and clearly must have seen us coming as the prices are ridiculous. 8 euros for a small jar of coffee. We have no coffee, and that’s how it will stay. Beers cheapish though, 13 euros for a 24 pack of kronenburg stubbies.
Subplot – Episode 2 - Gaz and his Wheel
Gaz tried to get the High Roller (wirebead, dual ply, 2.35) mounted onto the other wheel. For about 2 hours. Then he stuck an inner tube in…..
Whilst Gaz was doing that I put the lyriks and newly PUSH’d rear shock on the Nomad, then rode down some steps. Like you do.
We went off to the bike park for a little look. I had a small ride, can’t pull up on the bars without pain so decided to keep it in the ground….
Heres Gaz on the big drop, wondering how long before his coconuts get to the right size before he attempts this….

Here is me looking all freeride in jeans and a hoody (the bridge in the background isn’t complete, I think it was too dangerous for mortals so they took half of it down and made it unrideable)

I intended to go to Smokey Joes for tea (English run Mexican restaurant), but everywhere was shut. We ended up with a burger from Charley Burger. We survived….
Day 2….(Monday 16/6/2008)
Early start (7:40am) – breakfast then…
Subplot – Episode 3 - Gaz and his Wheel
So the idea was to go tubeless with the High Roller. A day with a tube in, hopefully will now mount. Jog on. No chance. Just for kicks I said try this handy UST high roller here. Straight on, straight up. I could have inflated it but merely blowing down the valve. Or perhaps a butterflies wing flapping somewhere near it. Gaz is convinced he wants his tyre on. No way hosea. So we go back to the UST and get some air and sealant in, but its leaking like mad from the valve holes (in my experience this means the rim strip isn’t sealed properly). Plan Z, I have a spare EX823 rim. Bung the UST tyre on that. Inflate to desired pressure. Ride. Another 2 hours of my life I am not going to get back...
I ride to the Jandri lift to meet Elsa and Steveo. They go off riding with Gaz. Lucky buggers. Its raining anyway.
I come back, do my physio, and bang 40 minutes out on the turbo trainer. I didn’t get rained on. …. only 10 weeks and 5 days left of the trip now. Hopefully I'll be able to ride soon....
Bonjour de France !
Subplot – Episode 1 - Gaz and his Wheel
Gaz had a set of Mavic Crossrides
Gaz noticed the rear wheel was loose (caused by the axle coming unbolted)
Gaz had a bent skewer in his rear wheel
When the skewer and axle where not on the wheel, the freewheel body came off with the cassette, and 2 ratchet mechanisms went missing.
2 ratchet plates and 1 spring where found, leaving a spring missing.
Mavic spares are hard to get hold of in the UK.
Gaz left the parts in the UK and brought the wheel to France
Das remembered that the mavic service tent comes to Megavalanche
Gaz asked Craig to bring the parts to France when he comes in ~ 2 weeks.
Gaz asked Craig to order a bling wheel from Roger Musson (king of wheels?)
Gaz planned to use the other rear wheel he brought, but had to change the tyre over to a High Roller. The wheel has a tubeless conversion kit on it. Gaz failed……..
Gaz and I arrived in 2Alpes at around 11pm on Saturday night, we set off at 4:45am from Gazs’ (that makes a 17hr journey….). It was a fairly uneventful trip down, just long long LONG. We unpacked a little, then headed to the Boardroom for BEER. The owner was completely sozzled, we had 4 and called it a night around 1am.
Day 1…..(Sunday 15/6/2008)
Slept in due to hangover, then wandered around 2 Alpes. Quite a few riders around, making me jealous as I am still off the bike. We scoped out the bike park, complete with locals doing 360s all over the place. Tried to get some supplies, but all the supermarkets were closed for lunch. They reopened at 3:30pm, and clearly must have seen us coming as the prices are ridiculous. 8 euros for a small jar of coffee. We have no coffee, and that’s how it will stay. Beers cheapish though, 13 euros for a 24 pack of kronenburg stubbies.
Subplot – Episode 2 - Gaz and his Wheel
Gaz tried to get the High Roller (wirebead, dual ply, 2.35) mounted onto the other wheel. For about 2 hours. Then he stuck an inner tube in…..
Whilst Gaz was doing that I put the lyriks and newly PUSH’d rear shock on the Nomad, then rode down some steps. Like you do.
We went off to the bike park for a little look. I had a small ride, can’t pull up on the bars without pain so decided to keep it in the ground….
Heres Gaz on the big drop, wondering how long before his coconuts get to the right size before he attempts this….

Here is me looking all freeride in jeans and a hoody (the bridge in the background isn’t complete, I think it was too dangerous for mortals so they took half of it down and made it unrideable)

I intended to go to Smokey Joes for tea (English run Mexican restaurant), but everywhere was shut. We ended up with a burger from Charley Burger. We survived….
Day 2….(Monday 16/6/2008)
Early start (7:40am) – breakfast then…
Subplot – Episode 3 - Gaz and his Wheel
So the idea was to go tubeless with the High Roller. A day with a tube in, hopefully will now mount. Jog on. No chance. Just for kicks I said try this handy UST high roller here. Straight on, straight up. I could have inflated it but merely blowing down the valve. Or perhaps a butterflies wing flapping somewhere near it. Gaz is convinced he wants his tyre on. No way hosea. So we go back to the UST and get some air and sealant in, but its leaking like mad from the valve holes (in my experience this means the rim strip isn’t sealed properly). Plan Z, I have a spare EX823 rim. Bung the UST tyre on that. Inflate to desired pressure. Ride. Another 2 hours of my life I am not going to get back...
I ride to the Jandri lift to meet Elsa and Steveo. They go off riding with Gaz. Lucky buggers. Its raining anyway.
I come back, do my physio, and bang 40 minutes out on the turbo trainer. I didn’t get rained on. …. only 10 weeks and 5 days left of the trip now. Hopefully I'll be able to ride soon....
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