Day 6…(Friday 20/6/2008) – Chicks dig scars….
Gazs finishing position was 68th in the Free trial out of 120 or so. The winning time was 2hrs 15mins. This is completely unbelievable (the guy was riding a Lapierre Zesty), Gazs time was 4hrs 25mins.
Gaz completed the Biker Croute on Friday – another gorgeous day.
I stopped in and did 1hr on the Turbo trainer whilst watching Thor Wixoms
“Statement” – a real retro video. I am not bitter though, oh no.
Later we me a couple of guys, known as “dickie” – I think that was the collective term for both of them. Not sure if it was “a dickie” or “a pair of dickies” but still – Dickie told me a great saying, unfortunately I was too drunk to remember it all, I know that “broken bones heal” and “Chicks dig scars” were two of the lines. Still its now my new motto. That I can’t remember.
Gazs finishing position was 68th in the Free trial out of 120 or so. The winning time was 2hrs 15mins. This is completely unbelievable (the guy was riding a Lapierre Zesty), Gazs time was 4hrs 25mins.
Gaz completed the Biker Croute on Friday – another gorgeous day.
I stopped in and did 1hr on the Turbo trainer whilst watching Thor Wixoms
“Statement” – a real retro video. I am not bitter though, oh no.
Later we me a couple of guys, known as “dickie” – I think that was the collective term for both of them. Not sure if it was “a dickie” or “a pair of dickies” but still – Dickie told me a great saying, unfortunately I was too drunk to remember it all, I know that “broken bones heal” and “Chicks dig scars” were two of the lines. Still its now my new motto. That I can’t remember.
Now to the real meat of this story – The Session88 has arrived. In unrideable form (a sticker on the downtuibe proclaims “Caution: Do not ride – Prototype Brakes”) – however it does look like a proper machine, in both DH and FR form (Black with Fox40s is the DH, Silver with Totems is FR). Heres some shots, the detail from the paint work to the Avid Elixir brakes, all new Saint stuff, an awesome looking bike. If it rides anyway near as good as it looks, it will be a killer. Can't take a front mech though.
Anyone want a used VP-Free frame? Now end of line classic VPP bike? 8.5 inches of travel? You know you want to…. 

Also spotted, this ratty split bus. Cool.
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