Having enough of racing, since there is no room for cunning tricks and stunning stunts there, I figured that I better set myself a challenge (the fun box at ADH seemed to work well) – the challenge I chose was the road gap on the 4x track at 2Alpes. Gav had done this when he was here (in the MOH qualif no less!) – I wished I had done it then, someone to follow and gauge speed etc.
No great shakes, I reckon I can do it anyway (Its about 4m vertical and 6m horizontal if you hit it right)
So I hit the bike park after a run from the red egg (Le Diable) – looked at the road gap, rode up to it, but refused it. I reckon you need to hit it pretty fast, a little pop, and before you know it you’ve landed in the berm.
Anyhow, not to be disheartened, I figured I could build up by doing the ladder drops. There are 6 altogether, the little one is about 1 foot, the big one is 5.5m and well out of my league. So started on the 3rd one, done that before, no problem, and faced into the 4th one – the wooden bit is probably about 7ft high, and with the transition you probably drop somewhere in that region too. So, nerves high, trepidation and fear, I did it, my heart was in my mouth, but then the second attempt and it felt like nothing at all. Huh. Did it a few more times just to make sure. Went a little fast once or twice and landed well far down. No problem.

The 3rd biggest drop what I did :) Bike there for size comparison
So now the nerves, trepidation and fear moved onto the next highest. The nerves have completely gone for the 4th now. Weird how that happens. Now exactly the same feeling I had not having done the 4th, I now have not having done the 5th. Sheesh.
Also great to get to 3200m and head down some of the MOH track, without a race in sight. There is also a new section of big tables cut into a steep slope that is much fun.
Update from today - still not done the 2nd biggest drop or road gap - but I did service my forks, and also use the drag lift to the top of the bike park a few times - however it nearly kills me everytime LOL. Did the 3rd biggest drop lots of times, thats no problem at all - but still got a mental block for the next one up arrggghhhh
Marcus is coming late Thursday night, and is up for doing some action shots sometime too - I will have to be donning the white knight attire :)
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