After seeing this sign, I thought I was in for a real treat.

The GPS took me via the Col de Madeleine,
where lots of German bikers seemed to enjoy overtaking me on the way up as much as on the way down I enjoyed using the whole road ;)
Not sure of the GPS in shortest route mode, seems to want to take me via every farm track and driveway just to cut out a corner. At one point I arrived at a bridge that had been blocked off with large concrete blocks. On instructing the GPS of a blockage, it took me down a farm track for 3km, through a farm complete with angry dog, then back onto the original route, after a super tight turn. There were lots of signs on the mountain roads saying that vehicles longer than 6m could not get through. Adventure! Second col of the day was the ol’ favorite Col de Glandon.
Heres Panzer II in the alps….
Back to 2Alpes via the supermarket in Bourg – glad to be home!

Not sure of the GPS in shortest route mode, seems to want to take me via every farm track and driveway just to cut out a corner. At one point I arrived at a bridge that had been blocked off with large concrete blocks. On instructing the GPS of a blockage, it took me down a farm track for 3km, through a farm complete with angry dog, then back onto the original route, after a super tight turn. There were lots of signs on the mountain roads saying that vehicles longer than 6m could not get through. Adventure! Second col of the day was the ol’ favorite Col de Glandon.

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