Taken at the top of Pic Blanc, at 3300m, where the megavalanche starts. The start looks crazy, complete snow\slush fest, that starts off steep, and then continues to get steeper. With my subtle black line I indicate the start, that goes straight then a right hand bend where things get steeper.
as shown here by this rather natty black arrow. Where the course goes from there is hard to tell.
Guess I'll find out on Tuesday when I go over there for a day, this time with my bike.
Alped'Huez looks pretty good for trails, a nice blue rated one runs under the lift and too a little bike park with some wooden structures and a little cabin to drop off, so I'll start there, and move higher up the mountain as my eye gets in. A red I spotted looked pretty steep, there were strategically placed crash mats on some of the rocks, and I think that section may be on the Mega qualifying course - deep joy!!!

Alped'Huez looks pretty good for trails, a nice blue rated one runs under the lift and too a little bike park with some wooden structures and a little cabin to drop off, so I'll start there, and move higher up the mountain as my eye gets in. A red I spotted looked pretty steep, there were strategically placed crash mats on some of the rocks, and I think that section may be on the Mega qualifying course - deep joy!!!
Weathers still great, 32ºC in the valley between 2Alpes and Alpe d'Huez, 22ºC in the resorts. mmmmmm.
And to end, another view from the top of Pic Blanc, the snow on the mountains in the distance is in fact the glacier at 2Alpes:

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